Bread soleo, pugliesi and rex korn


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Soleo, Pugliese and Rex Korn pre-cooked and frozen mixed wheat buns. Ingredients Soleo: wheat flour type 0, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, linseed, wheat gluten, dried wheat flour sourdough, tomato powder, potato flakes, wheat malt flour, sugar, thickener, wheat fibre, malt extract, tapioca starch, spice mix, flour treatment agent and enzymes. Pugliese ingredients: remilled durum wheat semolina, water, yeast, salt and enzymes. Ingredients Rex Korn: wheat flour type 1, sunflower seeds, linseed, wheat gluten, soya grits, rye flour, wheat bran, barley flour, extruded maize, sugar, salt, extra virgin olive oil, malt extract, wheat malt flour, rye malt flour, roasted wheat malt flour, brewer's yeast, enzymes and ascorbic acid.

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